It's the scenario that no fisherman wants to find themselves in. Being lost at sea can be potentially life threatening. It can occur for a number of r

It’s the scenario that no fisherman wants to find themselves in. Being lost at sea can be potentially life threatening. It can occur for a number of reasons such as freak storms or human error. It is fairly rare to get lost at sea while out fishing. However, it is still important to know what to do in order to increase your chances of survival.

Stay Hydrated

The fastest way to die out in the ocean is from thirst. Whatever you do refrain from drinking the sea water. Its salt content will speed up the process of dehydration. It is better to have plenty of bottled water in your vessel as preparation for emergency situations.

Find Shelter And Wrap Up Warm

Having a piece of tarp in your vessel will be useful for building a shelter against rain and sunlight. During cold nights you should wear a protective and waterproof coat. This will help prevent another life threatening issue: hypothermia.

Be Aware Of Potential Shark Attacks

It might sound like a frightening idea but when you are in open water you never know if a shark is lurking nearby. The first thing to remember is don’t panic. This could provoke an attack. It is better to stay alert and be on your guard. If you are unlucky enough to be targeted by a shark you can protect yourself by taking jabs at its nose, eyes and gills.

Catch Your Food

After water and shelter the next thing to think about is food. If you are on a fishing trip then you should hopefully have all the equipment needed to catch your meals. Fish tend to congregate underneath vessels, making catching them much easier. If you do not have a line or net you can try making one from nearby materials.

Keep An Eye Out For Land

It is also important to not lose hope. Just because you are in the middle of a vast ocean does not mean there isn’t land nearby. There are a few signs to look out for. If the water is light in colour then this indicates shallow water. Wave patterns will retract when you are approaching land. You may also see birds which tends to mean that land is close.

Remain Calm

Stressing out will make you dehydrate faster. Relaxing is a good way of remedying this. Staying in a peaceful mindset despite your situation will increase your chances of survival.

Signal For Help

Your main goal should be gaining the attention of potential rescuers. You should be on the lookout for any ships or planes in the distance. You can use shiny materials to reflect light as a makeshift help signal.