Jaws has cemented itself as an iconic part of American cinema. It also features a heavy amount of fishing scenes. These moments end up becoming rather

Jaws has cemented itself as an iconic part of American cinema. It also features a heavy amount of fishing scenes. These moments end up becoming rather tense thanks to the main threat of the movie: a large great white shark.

Jaws follows a police chief as he attempts to keep his island town safe from the predator. He teams up with a shark hunter and a scientist to hunt the creature down. Together they venture out into the deep sea in their pursuit of the great white.

Fishing In The Film

The first fishing scene involves a group of locals who cast off from a small pier. One of them decides to use his wife’s roast beef dinner as bait. This ends up attracting the man eating shark.

The beast takes the bait and its pull is so powerful that it manages to rip the pier from its moorings. One of the fishermen, called Charlie, is still attached to this platform and is also dragged out into the water. Charlie is then pursued by the shark but manages to narrowly make it back to shore before he can be eaten.

The three main shark hunters use fishing techniques to lure the shark to them. After finding its hunting grounds they use a method called chumming. This involves pouring fish blood and innards into the water. Sharks can sense blood from miles away so their hope is that this will be adequate bait.

They then use a very strong fishing line to hook the shark. However, the creature attempts to swim under the boat in order to evade them. Quint, the shark hunter manages to harpoon it when it breaches to the surface.

These harpoons are attached to yellow barrels. This allows them to see where the shark is at all times. Unfortunately however, the shark once again swims underwater, taking the barrels with it.

Spearfishing And Blast Fishing

Spearfishing is an ancient way of killing marine life. Once all of their options have disappeared the three hunters decide to utilise this method. Hooper, the scientist gets inside a shark cage and arms himself with a poison tipped spear. He is then lowered into the water and attempts to pierce the shark in its mouth.

This attempt is also a failure as the shark manages to get inside the cage and nearly consume Hooper. As their ship begins to sink, the other two scramble for a way to survive as the hunters become the hunted. Quint is eaten alive by the shark.

The surviving police chief, Brody throws an explosive gas canister into the sharks mouth. As it swims towards him Brody fires a rifle at the shark which causes it to blowup. This method of killing sea life is called blast fishing.